FOODIE & THE BEAST: March 3, 2024
Yo ho ho & a bottle of rum, or two or three - Today’s Foodie & The Beast
-ICYMI: The Embassy Chef Challenge is back March 7th (with Nycci as Emcee yea!) & Jinhee Kim, Chief Creative Officer at Events DC is back as well with all the diplomatic details as well as “rummelier” Dameain Williams of Visit Barbados. It got boozy.
-And then, not so boozy. Starting the year off dry aka DryJanuary has now morphed into people turning away from alcohol-fueled evening all year. Enter JW Wiseman, Founder of Curious Elixirs, a company committed to creating the world’s best booze-free craft cocktails and redefine social drinking.
-Back to diplomacy. Téa Ivanovic & Peter Schechter are Co-Founders of Immigrant Food. Their unique mission is to defend the vision of America as the land of immigrants, honoring past immigrants and uplifting today’s immigrants through its Gastroadvocacy.
And you know Nycci is the unofficial Restaurant Week chick — another neighborhood restaurant week to go eat your way through. Vienna Restaurant Week! Now through March 10th. Ashley Curtis Marketing & Business Engagement Specialist for the Town of Vienna has all the delish details.
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